Mavericks DVD

Mavericks DVD

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OS X Mavericks DVD

Downloading OS X 10.9 Mavericks from the App Store, will put the installer, or “OS X”, into the Application folder. Control-click and “Show Package Contents” provides easy access, to the install image inside.

Show Contents

For instance, inside that app bundle is the InstallESD.dmg here:
/Applications/Install\ OS\ X\
Mounting that disk image (a double click is sufficient), will show a Packages folder.

Let’s open the Terminal to get started, with what will end with a mavericks.dmg, being burned onto a double-layer DVD.

cd /Volumes/OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/Packages

It’s parent folder however, has the image, we are really interested in: BaseSystem.dmg

ls -al ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 wolf staff 481048972 Sep 29 15:56 BaseSystem.dmg

The “@” indicates that BaseSystem.dmg is hidden. Here we copy the BaseSystem.dmg into the home folder and make it visible:

cp /Volumes/OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/BaseSystem.dmg ~/
chflags nohidden ~/BaseSystem.dmg

Next, we convert the dmg into a sparse image and expand it’s size:

hdiutil convert ~/BaseSystem.dmg -format UDSP -o ~/mavericks
hdiutil resize -size 5.6g ~/mavericks.sparseimage

Next step is to replace the Packages link with the actual contents. Use the OS X Finder, to remove the /System/Installation/Packages link in the mavericks.sparseimage and copy the Packages folder from the InstallESD.dmg, into the same place, i.e., replacing the link.

Back in Terminal, we compact the sparse image and convert it into a dmg:

hdiutil compact ~/mavericks.sparseimage
hdiutil convert -format UDZO ~/mavericks.sparseimage -o ~/mavericks.dmg

Open the Disk Utility Program and in the main menu, select Images.
Select “Burn…” from the appearing menu and navigate the ~/mavericks.dmg
Finally, insert a dual layer DVD and click burn.

OS X 10.9 Mavericks